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Bisi Oyedele named Education Forward DC’s next CEO

Education Forward DC (EFDC), a non-profit dedicated to ensuring that Washington, DC students furthest from opportunity can chart their individual paths and thrive, recently announced that Bisi Oyedele has been chosen to succeed Maura Marino as Chief Executive Officer.  Marino co-founded EFDC 14 years ago and has since led the organization in supporting over 100 schools and organizations with 54 million in grants to create more equitable school experiences. Oyedele has been with EFDC since 2017 and previously served in a range of school leadership, coaching, and professional development roles in Boston public, charter, and independent schools. 

“Systems in DC have long failed DC students who are furthest from opportunity,” said EFDC Board Chair, Rev. Dr. Kenderick E. Curry. “These are the facts of where DC students and families are today. But we can — and must — accelerate change. Bisi is the right leader to take the helm of Education Forward DC to lead that transformation,”

Read more about Education Forward DC