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Brenda Jones hopes to be the first Nashville public school graduate to open a public charter school

“I like the concept of charters,” said Nashville public school graduate and aspiring charter school leader Brenda Jones. “This idea that there’s more than one way to educate our students and that we should be providing options for families to choose from so that they are doing what’s best for them and we’re not dictating what’s best for them, but I wanted to make sure we did it the right way.” 

Jones is applying to open Invictus Nashville Charter School, a K-8 public charter school that would provide a Montessori curriculum for elementary students. The curriculum would change in middle-school to a project-based learning model (with Montessori undertones) where students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects.  If approved by Metro Nashville Public Schools, Invictus would be the first public charter school to be established by a graduate of the district 

More About The Opening of The Invictus Nashville Charter School