Op/Ed: We’re uniting to create great public schools for all children in Indianapolis
In a recent op-ed, the leading figures in Indianapolis public education jointly announced their commitment to “walking together for the future of public schools” to “make sure every student in Indianapolis can access a quality education.” In the piece, Dr. Aleesia Johnson, superintendent of Indianapolis Public Schools, Shannon Williams of The Mind Trust, Jasmin Shaheed-Young of RISE Indy, Venita Moore an Angelia Moore, chair and vice chair respectively of the IPS Board of Commissioners, state that as “five Black women, this is especially important to us because we understand the disparities that exist for students of color, most of whom attend district run and public charter schools in central Indianapolis.”
“We come from different perspectives — parents, elected and appointed leaders, community advocates and leaders,” they wrote, “but we are united in the belief that our schools are the heart of our community.”